I grew up with adults who frequently made up names for items when they couldn't recall the official name of the said item. Colourful terms have arisen across time for naming these puzzling items. I use them myself, I must admit... Do you hear adults using such words? So, I share this poem, celebrating some of those colourful words. Remember, sometimes poetry gets its spark from wordplay. Dooverlackie When my Dad fixes things Around our house He sometimes asks me to help He calls me his apprentice He calls me his fetcher He calls himself Mr. Fixit He asks me to pass him the things he needs Pass me the dooverlackie Says Dad Dooverlackie? Yes, beside the whatchamacallit Watchamacallit? Yes, under the thingamajig Thingamajig? That’s right, I need to unscrew the doodad on the gizmo Oh… So I hand him what I think might be the dooverlackie And just hope I’m right No, says Dad That’s a… That’s a dohickey I only use tha...