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Showing posts from January, 2018

Summer Comes Rushing Poem: Poetry Friday

Had a conversation with a child once who informed me there were four seasons.  Please tell their names I asked.  'Okay' she said. 'Summer, Awesome, Winter, Spring.' She was closer to the truth than she realised, for  the seasons are quite awesome, each in their own way, having fascinated poets, forever. It is Summer in Australia right now and this poem is my ode to the warm season. Summer means many things in Australia. For many, summer presently means danger,  drought and bushfires. I have at time been drawn to writing about this dark side of summer. It has been part of my lived experience. While remaining fully aware of these potential dangers, summer also brings positives. It is forever a season capable of mixed blessings. It possesses the same complexity as the human condition. My poem on this occasion focuses upon summer's more favourable contributions. it is included in my latest anthology, 'What The Poemster Found- Poems from Places Poets Ro...

Poetry Friday- The Manifesto of Alvin j Riot

I invited my alter-ego, Alvin j Riot to share his view of the world and what he most valued, as we embark upon a brand new year. It's amazing how similar his view of worldly matters is to mine... The Manifesto of Alvin j Riot Be prepared to explore the outer limits of your own potential Discard your socks if your toe pokes through Always wear comfortable underwear Go fishing just to be alone with your thoughts -If you catch a fish consider it an added bonus Chip away at your ignorance -read If the sign says fast food think about it slowly Never meditate in the middle of the road Embrace simple pleasures Take time to listen to music every day Stop feeling guilty if your favourite ice cream flavor is vanilla Hold hands Wherever you are- be there! Try to find a job that brings you satisfaction Make certain the person you marry is your best friend Avoid conservatives. They are the beige people. Don’t throw bricks straight up Sleep in a comfortable bed Appr...