'Sometimes the easiest way to start is not to try to ‘think something up but to write something down – and what better place to begin than with what is right in front of your eyes?' Andy Griffiths, 'Once Upon A Slime.' With these excellent words ringing in my ears, I did just that. I sat down at the table with my notebook and wrote this poem to celebrate it's existence. So in a way the table was both the subject of my poem and a facilitator. So my advice is sit still and take a look around you. There are so many potential ideas waiting to be discovered. They are hiding in the open! The Kitchen Table This table listens to our secret conversations Revealing nothing It watches babies grow Eavesdrops on discussions -Marvellous -Mundane Heartbreaking and ridiculous This table witnesses the emergence of wisdom Through the years Through interminable time to and fro across its ever flat surface Words weave and wander -Sting -Delight Co...