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Trinet Poem

This week I'm getting acquainted with the Trinet, created by an individual by the name of 'Zion.' I'm afraid that's I can tell you about the form's origin.

Here are the  guidelines for writing a Trinet:
7 lines
Lines three and four have six words in each line
All the other lines have two words per line

There are no restrictions for rhymes, subject matter, or syllables, making it easier to create. 

I based my poem on a fact I had gleaned from my research into obscure and unusual facts. I had a list of them in my notebook and this one appealed. It felt good to build words around a fact. 

Pigs Can't Look At The Sky

Siobahn started
Each day
With a deliberate, lingering, heavenly gaze
Grateful she was not a pig
Forever denied
Those glorious
Skyward glances.

Alan j Wright

It is Poetry Friday yet again. Our host for this week is Linda B at Teacher Dance. Linda's post reminds us that every end is a beginning with a poem about her grandson and being on the edge of new beginnings.


  1. Can pigs not look at the sky?
    So, that’s two things I’ve learned today: pigs don’t gaze starwards and what a trinet poem is…
    I’m a fan of structured forms. They always seem to bring the creativity out in me, so now I need to trinet.

    1. The bone structure of their necks prevents them from lifting their heads to the sky, Lou. A bit sad really. I wish you luck with the Trinet. As you say, the structure is both clear and supportive.

  2. Oh, Alan, how fun. I learned something new about pigs. I guess they prefer rooting, but Siobahn sounds like a truly grateful one. I love this poem. And the form by Zion, I will have to try it out!

    1. Glad you like my Trinet adventure, Denise. Hope you enjoy a Trinet or two!

  3. What a fascinating blend of surprising fact and poetic form! Like Denise, I'm inspired to give this a try!

    1. I love the opportunity to insert some obscure factoid into my poems, Mary Lee. Go trinet the light fantastic at your earliest convenience...

  4. So intriguing, Alan, now you have me imagining the Cervical vertebrae of pigs, seeing just how they cannot look up! I love that you keep a list of unusual facts! And the Trinet, another 'unusual' form. "Forever denied" makes a sad tale! Have a great day today!

    1. Thank you, Linda. The curation of unusual facts is a siren call for me. I remain ever fascinated.

  5. I couldn't wait to see what was behind that adorable pig picture, and you did not disappoint! What an interesting factoid and poetic form. Thank you for sharing!

    1. The irresisitible pig picture, eh Tracey? Glad it piqued your curiosity.

  6. Pigs can't look at the sky? Forever denied those glances? I never knew! A also learned a new poetic form today. Thanks Alan.

    1. You can weave that into cnversations, Janice. Glad you found some new information.

  7. Hahahaha--I love this! It hints at such a bigger story, too.

    1. Ah, Laura, you're right. It does suggest a wider story. Glad you liked my piggy poem.

  8. Neat-O! I always love when you share a new-to-me form. I want to go play with it right now. Your poem is funny too. I didn't know this about pigs. Poor Siobahn.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I do love exploring the poetry terrain. Have fun with a Trinet Poem!

  9. Alan, thank you for introducing this form. It'll be fun to play with. I may be in love with a pig named Siobhan.

    1. My pleasure, Patricia. Have some Trinet time!

  10. Oh what a great post! To learn about the trinet, the idea of keeping a journal of obscure facts, and that pigs don't look up. Brilliant.

    1. Thanks Jone. It was fun to bring it to everyone's attention.

  11. How delightfully sad, poor Siobhan, hopefully this unknown isn't hampering her… Wonderful pic Alan, and thanks for this new poem form!

    1. Thanks Michelle. New form of poetry rejuvenate our efforts.

  12. Adding my voice to those who both want to try this form and who are fascinated by that little factoid. I also love the idea of keeping a notebook of obscure facts. Enjoyed everything about this post, Alan!

    1. Intent and fascination are a powerful combination, Karen. Thank you for your generous response. I reamin ever intriguied by obscure facts.

  13. Alan, I look forward to your post and the introduction of new forms. This one appears easier than most but I can't say until I try it out like you did. Your poem tells a short story that could be extend. The amazing fact is written in. Love the idea of your hidden facts booklet.

    1. Thank you, Carol. I enjoy sharing new poetic forms. This one is fairly uncomplicated- and short. so it will be a breeze. Facts are ever fascinating and to be able to weave them into the poem was such a delight for this trivia freak.

  14. Oh what a fun and funny poem! Terrific photo and a new poem form and.... a cool, "betcha didn't know" fact for me to store somewhere in my brain :)

    1. Thanks Karen. Two ideas for free! Have fun sharing this newly acquire tidbit of trivia...


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