I have just received a long awaited copy of the 'Collected Poems- Wendy Cope.' This comprehensive anthology provides an impressive overview of the much admired U K poet's work, across several decades. Wendy Cope has long impressed as a witty, insightful poet, whose work is both memorable and full of humourous intent. The human condition is extensively explored in her work. Her first collection of poems was published in 1986. Eight further anthologies have followed as well as two poetry collections for children. She has further edited six additional anthologies. I have been immediately inspired by my reading of the lengthy first line index at the back of 'Collected Poems.' It has inspired me to create a Cento poem. The Mystery Of A Poet’s Inspiration -After Wendy Cope Where do you get your ideas from? -An English meadow early in the morning A talented young chimpanzee A three letter beginning with f The fat boy in the seat across ...