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Wendy Cope Inspired -Cento Poem

 I have just received a long awaited copy of the 'Collected Poems- Wendy Cope.' This comprehensive anthology provides an  impressive overview of the much admired U K poet's work, across several decades. 

Wendy Cope has long impressed as a witty, insightful poet, whose work is both memorable and full of humourous intent. The human condition is extensively explored in her work. 

Her first collection of poems was published in 1986. Eight further anthologies have followed as well as two poetry collections for children. She has further edited six additional anthologies. 

I have been immediately inspired by my reading of the lengthy first line index at the back of 'Collected Poems.' It has inspired me to create a Cento poem.

The Mystery Of A Poet’s Inspiration 

-After Wendy Cope


Where do you get your ideas from?

-An English meadow early in the morning

A talented young chimpanzee

A three letter beginning with f

The fat boy in the seat across the aisle

The winter going on and on

The sick umbrella underneath the council chamber

The cherry blossom

The book I’ve been reading


Sporty people

Noises in the night

Every ditch, or stream, or river, the train crosses


All right, I’ll tell you what I think

On Waterloo Bridge where we said our goodbyes.

Alan j Wright

It is yet again, Poetry Friday and our host this time is Margaret Simon at Reflections On The Teche

Visit Margaret to discover how she incorporated the language surrounding weather forecasting to create a poem about the Aurora Borealis.


  1. Alan, fun post and poem. I remember when you introduced me to Wendy Cope with your John Keats meeting Jack and Jill poem. You can sense her wit with those fun first lines from her poems. Clever use of them for your poem.

    1. Thank you for your generous remarks, Denise. i must admit I smile keenly when I read the extensive and intriguing list of index lines Wendy Cope provided. It made my task of word weaving, so much easier.

  2. My daughter asked for “The Orange” by Wendy Cope as a birthday gift a couple years ago – that was my first exposure to Wendy’s poetry. I love what you did with the index – how creative! Looking at an index as the poet’s inspiration is brilliant!

    1. I too have The Orange, Tracey. I have been dabbling in the challenge of First Line Index Poems for some time now. The resultant Cento poems are fun to construct. They don't necessarily have to be long, just so long as they have a logical flow. Maybe you are the next to try one?

  3. What a fun poem, and a brilliant way to create it from the index of first lines! You're sending me to the back of other books of poetry I have that include such an index to see what inspirations I can find there!

    1. Well, thank you, Mary Lee. I wish you every success with your index investigations and look forward to the word treasure you unearth.

  4. Wow! All those lines hang together really well and give an impressionist view. I love that. Now I want to go make a big stack of books, a big pot of tea and just play! Centos are fun, fun, fun!

    1. Play, is a very apt word for this form of poetry, Linda. There's a lot of jotting and plotting as well. It just draws you in, bit by bit. I was most fortunate with Wendy Cope's anthology as it was a most comprehensive collection of her poetic yield. It provided significant choice. Good luck with that stack of books.

  5. Thanks for sharing this new to me poet. The first lines do hang together and draw you in to wonder.

    1. You are most welcome. Margaret. Thank you for your response. Wondering is always a good thing in my experience.


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