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Peter Dixon -Teabag Poem

Today I'm highlighting the poetry of Peter Dixon. Peter Dixon was not just a poet. He was a performer, educationalist and artist.   He grew up in London during WW2, and as a boy his schooling was far from successful. He struggled with spelling and the understanding of word, form and grammar, so he tended to write secretly at home, drawing and writing of things largely ignored by schools.   Despite this difficult phase of his life, Peter eventually became a school teacher and then a senior lecturer in education. It often mystified him as to how all of this came to pass. As a teacher, he strived to be unbiased and did not neglect the children who experienced learning challenges.   Peter Dixon became a full time children’s writer and educational consultant. His first book was published in 1978. Whilst living in Winchester, Hampshire, with his family, he   contributed to over 100 poetry anthologies and had seven collections of his own work published including Grow Your O...
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Personal Poetry Projects- Depatches From Verseville And More

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More Ars Poetica Poetry

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Wendy Cope Inspired -Cento Poem

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A Few Short Cuts For Poetry

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Viator Poems and Autocrats

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First Line Index Poems Concerning School Life

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A Poem Inspired By Wendy Cope

  I recently purchased a copy of Wendy Cope's anthology, 'Two Cures For Love-Selected Poems 1979-2006. Wendy Cope is an English Poet who delights in quirky, observational poetry appealing to the reader's emotional self. A witty, contemporary poet, she cleverly mixes humour and serious thought provoking  moments in her wide ranging works. Wendy Cope also likes to experiment and play with form. I like that very much... I found myself most beguiled by the poet's treatment of nursery rhymes. In two of the poems she re-imagines these classic rhymes under the influence of master poets like William Wordsworth and T S Eliot.  This sparked an idea and I began to imagine an encounter between John Keats and the legendary nursery characters, Jack and Jill. Here is the resultant poem: John Keats Encounters Jack and Jill Twas the season of mists When two ascended the hill To fetcheth water in a pail One Jack One Jill Jack did tumble Breaking his crown Resulting in a burning forehead ...

Most Popular Posts 2024 -Putting Pizzzazz Into Poetry

  Here are five of the most popular Poetry  posts for 2024. Thank you for your continuing support and interest in teaching poetry and all it entails. Here's a chance to reconnect with poetic ideas. Ideas you can easily carry forward into 2025. Just click the link... Trinet Poems Revisited In this post I turned my attention back to the Trinet, a seven-line poetry form based purely on  its word count. Trinets are terrific fun to write! Run Roger Run- A Docupoetry Delight When writing docupoetry, the poet may arrange lines or phrases from the source texts to create poems, convey their interpretation of the documents through original poetry, or write poems that fall on somewhere between these various objectives. This poem features Roger Bannister, an English athlete who forst broke the four minute mile. This form of poetry instantly appealing.  A Bit Of Short Stuff- Poems As Brief Encounters When writing short verse each word seems to carry an increased load. You do not ...

Summer Season Poetry

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