The lure of the limerick has always provided a strong pull for me. However, it is a highly structured form of poetry with distinctive rhyme and rhythm patterns. Teachers considering introducing limericks need to provide a lot of immersion and scaffolding if they want inexperienced poets to have some measure of success with them. Limericks contain a couplet and a triplet and these literary elements are critical to the successful completion of the form. They are meant to be humorous with the final line providing some punch!
So with Limericks on my mind, these ones are freshly composed..
A one eared cat name of Abby
Had fur, particularly shabby
All through the night
She would hiss, scratch and fight
Abby, was one crabby tabby
A man who lived in Kildare
Found a large purple mouse in his hair
He named the mouse Milton
And fed it on Stilton
Although, it preferred Camembert
Maryās big toes were quite hairy
A sight that amused her canary
But the cows in the field
When her toes were revealed
Refused to enter the dairy
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